Sunday, January 23, 2022

New Home Blog

 Good afternoon to anyone who finds this. 

I recently purchased a new build home and have since been moved into it for two weeks to the day. We are finally about 90% settled and I am ready to be done unpacking boxes. It is nice to simply have a place to call home that is mine and that my wife and I get to make our own. For years we lived in an apartment and no matter what we did it just never felt quite like home. Now here I am, sitting at my own dinning room table typing this blog while I contemplate what to cook us for dinner tonight. I am thinking homemade tomato soup from scratch and grilled cheese. It's only about 14 degrees outside right now so that seems fitting for the day. 

Until next time blog, I'm signing off.


Chef Lance's on Phillips

Chef Lance's on Phillips is a restaurant that has been on my hit-list for a while now and my wife and I finally got the opportunity to t...